Archive for November 2008

You are browsing the archives of 2008 November.

Freakin’ Weekend: Tryptophan Hang-Over Edition

Gaaahhh…  So full.  Of.  Food.  I’m having a hard time moving my, uhm, what are they called…Fingers, those things.  Yeah, so this’ll be short.  We’re all recovering from that annual holiday glut we affectionately call Thanksgiving.  (What better way to do it than to blow your entire paycheck on super deals?!?)  But we have to [...]

Interview: Film School

Our favorite space rockers from California, Film School, dropped a really cool session on Daytrotter last week and the Daytrotter engineers did a swell job of capturing the band’s energetic guitar sound. That sound, which recalls the atmospheric sweep of artists like Pink Floyd and My Bloody Valentine, wowed about 100 or so people who caught Film [...]

Freakin’ Weekend: 11.22-11.24 (Modified!)

So, next weekend is Thanksgiving break. Hot damn! You’ve earned it. It also means that you have the liberty to abandon your conventional weekend plans and cut loose a little bit. In honor of this, and due to a somewhat slow weekend and a hot start to next week, we’ve pushed back this week’s installment [...]

New Music: Envy Corps

Mission Creek Festival alumns, Envy Corps had a stop over at the Daytrotter studios not too long ago, and the fruits of the band’s labor got posted this past Friday.  All four tunes from the session are cribbed from the bands latest Dwell, which reached the light of day (via i-Tunes) earlier this fall.  The only [...]

Freakin’ Weekend: 11.13-11.15

Last weekend was a musical dud, the kind of weekend that makes you actually think about doing something like this. The fact that that dude can get paid to come to places like Iowa City is absurd, but more power to him. I mean, is he the next Jared? Hmm…he’s going to have to top [...]

Preview: Brad Mehldau

Not our usual: Thursday night, jazz pianist Brad Mehldau will be appearing with his trio at City High as part of the 2008-2009 Hancher series. You may recall that flood that happened way back when, which forced the the University’s main performing arts auditorium to outsource its planned events. The show must go on, as [...]

Freakin’ Peek: ANAVAN

Did you feel that last night?  That urge, nay, that need to dance your buns off.  Yeah, ANAVAN‘ll do that to ya.  Especially when the group is so excited, what with the release of its sophomore long-player today.  Yeah, ANAVAN’s latest, Cover Story hit store shelves this very day, care of our good buddies at [...]

Preview: Pitchfork 500

Those Pitchfork people have been making a fuss about their new book which hits stores this Tuesday, Nov. 11th. But to be fair, you can go to Prairie Lights in Iowa City and get the book now: it’s already on the stacks, shelved in the nonfiction aisle. The book is a chronological analysis of the [...]

Freakin’ Peek Alert: ANAVAN

Our friends over at Slanty Shanty Records have got a little something in store for all rumps that need to be shaking: the new ANAVAN record.  The L.A. dance-punk trio’s sophomore record, Cover Story, hits streets Tuesday.  And since we’re such good friends with the crew over at Slanty Shanty, they left us a copy [...]

Freakin’ Weekend: 11.6-11.8

Another weekend, another few dollars to spend. We’re gonna take a little detour this weekend. Instead of hitting you hard with music music music dance dance dance, we’re going to give you a bunch of different events to satisfy that renaissance man in the depths of your soul.
Dinner at the Motley Cow
It’s been a minute [...]