Video: ft (shadow gov’t) - Piles of Money

Thanks to John, author of the review below this post, for pointing out that there seems to be a new ft (the shadow government) video floating around the internets. This Youtube video starts off with a clip from a British costume drama and gets better from there. It’s one more piece of evidence pointing to the potential awesomeness of this new record, which we previously noted will be celebrated with a CD release party at the Picador on November 10th. Watch and learn:

4 Responses to “Video: ft (shadow gov’t) - Piles of Money”

  1. 1 todd

    so fucking real

  2. 2 caleb


  3. 3 Bulletin News

    Nice review covering t) - Piles of Money at mission freak!. Thoroughly love this interesting posts!

  1. 1 Freakin’ Weekend: 11.6 - 11.9 at mission freak!

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