
Not that you needed confirmation, but the show at the Mill on Friday night did indeed confirm that everyone from indie snobs to DiY freaks to preps, geeks, gays, straights, rockers, mods, blacks, whites and Puerto Ricans has embraced dance music in one form or another. Dance is everywhere right now-even disco is huge again, [...]
There’s nothing I like more than a good mix tape, and longtime Mission Creek friend/library scientist/cool-last-name-having Sarah Dorpinghaus has gone and made us all one (actually, two as of now), via her new podcast, birthstones. The monthly all-music mp3s lean toward the new and experimental, featuring labels like Siltbreeze and Slumberland, who both made huge [...]
Usually the album that tops my year-end list is not actually the album that I listened to the most in that calendar year. Call it lame, or self-centered, or just downright stupid, but I always feel the need to use the modest powers of my best-of list picks to celebrate something “artistically important,” or an [...]
Cell phone companies, airlines, noth side diners: here at Mission Creek, we tend to think that competiition is a good thing for the consumer. That’s why I’m heading down right now for a cup of coffee at the Bluebird Diner and some handmade goods at the Craft & Fancy Craft Fair, going on at Home [...]
First, the straight dope:
Casiotone for the Painfully Alone with Gangi, Ill Ease, and Rainbow Arabia - Saturday, Oct 11th. $5
sBACH with more TBA - Monday, Oct. 13th. $5.
Roommate with The Judy Green and Ed Gray - Saturday, Oct. 25th. $5.
Now, the skinny:
Since Public Space ONE opened at the end of April, every month has [...]
Nothing gets a Monday started off better than cool fall sunshine and new music by a good friend of Mission Creek: the School of Flyentology. The School was, for many months, a two-man project, but with Alex Flyrick flying away from Iowa City, it’s all Mikko Wolfcock at the virtual-decks. As you know, Mikko hosts [...]
Hey y’all. If you’ve been paying attention for the last few weeks, you might have noticed a string of Unknown Component shows all leading up to this big night: the CD release party for In Direct Communication, Keith Lynch’s latest self-released record. Our friend Kent Williams over at The Little Village has already had a [...]
Tonight things get spooky in the Cave of Spirits, home of local musician and tape-maker extraordinaire Shawn Reed, where Portland’s Eat Skull will headline a packed 4-band bill, including Reed’s own project Wet Hair and Iowa City “noise punk goons” Supersonic Piss. That “noise punk goons” quote comes from Shawn himself, who has really done [...]
Holy Labor Days, kiddos! Summer is over, and that’s for real (today’s weather), but that doesn’t mean that our celebration of hard-working and hard-banging Americans has to stop any time soon. These colors don’t run, y’all. These colors don’t run.
Sarah Cram, Mannix, Lipstick Homicide / The Mill / 9pm / $5
Sarah Cram is one hard-working [...]
I love watching country music videos when I’m hungover. Besides the really schlocky and profit-driven-patriotism that is a sad sub-genre of contemporary country, by and large country music videos are awesome: dynamic acting, melodramatic and rousing score, beautiful acoustic guitars, and really great storylines. Because with country, you really have to feel; whereas [...]