If you live in Iowa, and you’re not doing anything Thursday night between the hours of 6:30 and 9 o’clock, you should probably hit up a caucus (or two).
Don’t know where to go? Click Here.
Don’t know what to do? Click Here.
Wanna know how the votes are actually counted? Click Here (Caution: political nerds only!)
Remember, if you want to make sure you get in, be there no later than 6:30. If you need to register to vote (or change your party registration-which you CAN do on caucus night), try and get there a little bit early. Both the Democratic and Republican are looking to be extremely close, so your vote really is essential. Plus, you may even get free cookies!
Editor’s note: We’ve used the handy tools from the Barack Obama campaign to help us help you get your caucus on. And even though we may feel that Obama is our guy, we encourage you to caucus and make your voice heard regardless of which candidate you prefer!
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